One shot gurl lost episode

i love the youtuber one shot gurl but my parents got annoyed with me always watching her videos and told me to stop watching her videos..........and collecting her hair.............and watching her sleep through a secret camera (ok in retrospect maybe not all their demands were unreasonable and kicking my dad in the balls was a bit of an overreaction) than i yelled YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO! and moved out (among other things) and i watched all her videos 40 times. but i was wondering if there was another video so i scoured the whole internet only after going to the deep web did i find a bizzare video called "one shot gurl's lost episode" and i immediately clicked an action i would soon regret. the video started out but instead of her happy cheerful cute self she was depressed and for her question of the day she said "will you forgive me?" i thought this was odd but i kept watching than it showed her crying blood for 47 minutes straight while 666 flashed. i still kept watching than it showed the game she was playing...............ride to hell retribution! a horrible vile inhumane torture device i wouldn't wish upon anyone let alone my favorite youtuber than it showed an evil version of zone tan (if you don't know who that is it' WAS BAD!) (fine she's a mascot of sorts for a famous porn cartoon site stop judging me dammit!) and she said the deal is done and at that moment...........i turned into a dildo! and ever since than i've stopped watching her videos and am now used as a sex toy for evil zone tan. but at least it's not the lake of cum